Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Walk That Walk...

Ah Wednesday. the week is almost over for mostly everyone, yet for me its heating up, and I'm not just talking about the weekend either. I've got a load of stuff to do over the next two days, and there's no rest for this wicked guy. So today, I'm going to give a quick recap of Tuesday, give my ideas on some topics in the news, and generally keep things moving fast paced.

The last two nights have been a lot of fun. This bar could be the death of me, so I'm going to try to keep an eye on myself. If I've never said it to any of you...I really care...oh forget it. All jokes aside, Yesterday was quite fun. The maintenance guy FINALLY showed up to fix our damn linen closet door. I swear from now on, I'm going to fix everything in here myself, and just send them a bill for my work. I'm sure they won't pay me, but it would be worth it to see the bewildered look on their faces. They did it early too, so I was able to get out and enjoy some of that lovely weather we had yesterday. I took a nice long walk on the Delaware Canal, all the way to CVS to pick up cranberry juice. which went along nicely with my vodka later on.

Katie got in around 6, and decided to make dinner. Now, if you've been keeping up with my Facebook posts, my good friend Jenny K. mentioned about how cool it is that Katie likes to cook (as much as myself), and let me tell you folks, this meal was the tits. One of these days, I just might make up a Katie recipe book and sell it on a website...just don't let her know. afterward, we had drinks, and on a whim, decided to take a vacation to the Bahamas. I won't mention it anymore because I already wrote about it, and I don't want anyone to say that I'm a blowhard. Am I looking forward to it? Of course. I'm thrilled, and I'm happy that we're doing this. When we do go, I will make sure I write a blog about it.

Now lets get down to Wrestling. A busy night on Monday with the (sort of) Monday night war beginning again. I saw both show, and I feel like TNA came out on top. This because of the surprises of RVD, Sting & Jeff Hardy showing up. I'm kinda wondering how they are going to keep this up, because after the initial shock value wears off, its an inferior product compared to WWE. I also don't like how RVD was beat down for twenty minutes by Sting. It didn't make him look weak because he won the match, but it didn't make him look strong either. One other much blood is too much? I'm sure Ric and Hogan wanted to send a message that this is an adult product, but for God's sake, that was over the top. Naitch looked like he just got mauled by Freddy Kruger. Now WWE has its own problems (super-Cena, Hornswaggle, bad guest hosts), but the opening segment was hot, and the matches weren't THAT bad (with the exception of the Cena/McMahon debacle at the end. I should be psyched to see Bret Hart get in the ring to kick Vince's ass, but I'm not. It's a downright boring angle and something has to be done to save it.

NXT on the other hand was pretty darn good. I love the intensity of the Daniel Bryan/Miz partnership. The crowd popped strong when Bryan teased that punch, and That's because Miz is a true heel. He's so good at making you hate him. Otunga was good as well, with Otunga getting the pin on the Miz. I think its very classy that Carlito and Miz got pinned by the rookies last night. This is how you put people over (attn. John Cena, Paul Levesque, ect).

Getting off the topic of fake sports, Corey Haim died todayof a drug overdose. I wrote on Mike Majewski's Facebook post that I had seen a video today of him in an interview from March 2009, and his face looked like Carlos Ruiz's catcher's mitt. He was only 38, and once again raises the question, "Why didn't anyone help this man?". I think that this guy was beyond help. this wasn't a guy who was going to slow down for anyone or anything, which in itself, is a shame. Look at this video and tell me you don't agree (this one is from September 2008)

Tonight, Katie is taking me out to dinner. I know, I have the best girl in the world. Not sure where we're going to head to, but I'm thinking The Yardley Inn, because I really like their raw oysters. After that, I plan on uploading a bunch of photos to my Flickr account, which if you haven't seen yet here's the link: Tomorrow, I'll be in Jersey to do my Father's laundry (yes I know...). This man has got to learn to live on his own, goddamnit. I'm going to have to take the train in (a 1 hour ride) and then I need to catch the train back to Yardley because I'm cooking dinner tomorrow (Katie deserves it). I'll try to write a blog if I can, but don't count on it. I'll be sending out the usual Twitter posts, though. See you all on Friday!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday Morning Coming Down

Has anyone been outside today? Jesus, it is beautiful! It's great to have winter (almost) over. I know spring begins in about a week or so, but I always feel like the beginning of spring starts with opening day of baseball, which I believe is April 5th this year...damn I love my Phillies.

Getting off the topic of baseball, I mentioned that I had Gabs this weekend and she sure didn't dissapoint me. When I first had Gabriella, I had many reservations about being a father. At the time I was playing a lot of shows, being a rock & roll star, I just thought I could never be a good dad. My main thought was, what could I teach her? What could I show her that someone else couldn't? I certainly wasn't a model citizen. As I found out though, I'm the best guy for the job. Gabriella needs someone like me in her life to mold her into an adult. I feel blessed and fortunate that I can raise her, and she makes me a better man as well.

Of Friday, I picked up Gabs from Norristown around 6-6:30pm. I like picking her up from there because I have plenty of options to get home, wether I take the R6 or the 100. After I got back to my dad's apartment, we dined on some Wendy's cheeseburgers & fries, watched some tv, and hit the bricks. Pretty uneventful, if you ask me.

Now Saturday is a different story. I had to meet up with Ryan in Yardley because he had to help me build a steamer trunk bar (yes people, Katie and I bought a bar). Since I had to take Gabbie down there anyway, I thought it would be best if we left early, since there's plenty to do here, and the weather was kick ass. The whole train ride down, Gabbie listened to Blondie on my iPhone, because that's her favorite band (I must be doing something right!!!). She skipped the ENTIRE walk to my front door, and she had a blast here! She played rock band, had fun on the playground, and even made a few friends with some of the other little girls in the complex. She finished her entire dinner (including peas...yuck), and was on her best behavior while Ryan and our friend Jay assembled the bar (which looks awesome, might I add) . Later on the night, we made it back to my dads, and after watching the end of Snow White, she fell right asleep. How rad is that?

On Sunday, we went to the park for an hour or so before she had to go home. Once again, she was on her best behavior on the train, and listened to Blondie again. She gave me a huge hug and kiss before she got in the car, and told me she loved me. It's funny, I miss her already.

So here it is Monday. Katie will be back from work at 5pm, and there's plenty to watch on tv tonight, with WWE & TNA going live against each other. I'll give my full rundown on the shows tomorrow. Other then that I also plan on drinking tonight by breaking in the new bar. Wish me luck, folks...this could get ugly.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday Week

My god, has it been a long day, and its only 3pm. As I write this blog I have one hand typing and the other hand clenching a cold Yuengling. It all started last night when Katie and I went to Wal-Mart...

After finishing my blog, Gabs called to tell me about the taco she was eating this conversation went on for about 20 minutes with her mother commenting in the background. As soon as I got off the phone, I had to jump in the shower because Katie was getting home soon. She gets in, we leave.

Upon getting to Wal-Mart, my first instinct is to buy razors. If anyone has seen me lately, you know I look like the unibomber because I haven't shaved in around a month. Now, the pharmacy is only ten feet away, so I tell Katie "Going to pick up razors."...she leaves! When I get back I'm at a loos to try to find her in this big-assed store. So big, I had to call her on my cell phone to track her down. After that fiasco, we shop well, and spend around $350.00 on nesscesities. We picked up Taco Bell for dinner (because Gabbie put the idea in my head), and I decided to try their $5 NBA box (because it rocks!), which oddly did not come in a box, but rather a bag. HUGE LETDOWN!

I really enjoyed getting in and watching some tv with my girl last night. Lost was, well, Lost. I'm not getting this whole idea about Jacob, but they have 10 more episodes to wow me. After everything I've seen on that show, they have some explaining to do. Afterwards I caught NXT. I really impressed at how nicely this show is coming along, and I like a lot of the young talent like Wade Barret and Daniel Bryan. Gabriel looks like a tool in that outfit, but maybe WWE creative can give him a new direction. Skip Sheffield is 50/50 with me at this point, and Heath Slater is going down the toilet. What is up with that moronic hair flip? Then Carlito spits on you, and all you do is whine about it? I'll tell you what to do Heath...punch his ass back to Superstars! After enjoying a few rum & cokes with Katie, we go to bed. That's where today comes in...

After waking up, I see that there is all kinds of boxes on the floor waiting for me to dive right into. I begin my day with a nice bowl of cocoa pebbles and get to work. Before starting with the boxes, I decide to get the pipe/cigar/tobacco stench from my beloved computer. this takes about 2 hours to do, with the window open, and wiping it down with vinegar. By the time I finished, my hands looked like prunes, smelled like a salad, and I was a cold as a cucumber. Finally, I get to lats nights booty. We bought 4 large floor lamps last night, and after putting them together, I had to re-arrange the bedroom and the office just to make them fit. Then, I took out all the garbage. This includes the boxes from the lamps, and the general trash. I hooked up our new phones, and took all the dishes out of the dishwasher, just to load it up with another box of dishes that we had laying around. I'm also going to call maintenence in a little bit because they didn't respond to the email that Katie sent about our linen closet door that hasen't worked since we moved in. Hey, we've only complained 6 times...why should anyone listen to us, right?

Now, I'm all about relaxin' I have done A LOT of stuff in here today and I need a break. I hope all y'all are enjoying my rants. because I need to do this. I haven't seen many people in the last few months, and this place is turning into The Shining. Remember folks, all work and no play makes Joe a dull boy...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Blizzard of Flames (intro)

In all the years that I've been living, I have never once kept up with anything like a blog. Mainly because I feel like its almost a full time job that doesnt pay enough. Either people are going to read it, comment, and smile, or nobody's going to care, and you're left with a big pile of paragraph soup. Lets hope the latter doesn't happen to me and this thing pays off.

So, for all the people that happen to discover this, I'll run down my credentials short list style, and we can move on to bigger and better things. I'm Joe Latzko, I'm 31 years young, born in Philadelphia PA. to a homemaker Mom (passed away), and mailman Dad. I have a daughter from a previous relationship named Gabbie that I love very much. I just recently moved from the Philly area to Yardley PA. with my lovely girlfriend Katie. Trust me, its an adjustment to say the least.

Katie got this great new job, and I'm here most of the time working on the apartment (personally, I think its a house. I have a neighbor next door, I have 2 floors in this's a freakin' house.). When I have the chance (meaning I'm going to try to write every other day) I will tell of my trials and tribulations of life, the pursuit of happiness, cooking, drinking beers, pro wrestling, music, and general debauchery. I'm a lot of fun...just not good clean fun. I save the clean fun for my daughter.

I will TRY to post something tomorrow for the simple fact I have Gabs this weekend and I'm not quite sure if I can get to a computer. As always I'll be on my Twitter & Facebook accounts. I'll post direct links at the bottom of the page. On the agenda tonight; Wal-Mart run for vinegar (since I moved my computer up here, it smells of my Fathers' pipe tobacco), then speed the hell back home to catch NXT. Cold beer is in the fridge, and I have nowhere to go tomorrow. It is my mother's birthday, but there is no way I'll be able to even see the grave with all this snow on the ground. I think she'll understand. I'll listen to some Frank Sinatra and have a glass of wine in her memory.

Later, Bitches


Facebook: Joe Latzko