Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday Morning Coming Down

Has anyone been outside today? Jesus, it is beautiful! It's great to have winter (almost) over. I know spring begins in about a week or so, but I always feel like the beginning of spring starts with opening day of baseball, which I believe is April 5th this year...damn I love my Phillies.

Getting off the topic of baseball, I mentioned that I had Gabs this weekend and she sure didn't dissapoint me. When I first had Gabriella, I had many reservations about being a father. At the time I was playing a lot of shows, being a rock & roll star, I just thought I could never be a good dad. My main thought was, what could I teach her? What could I show her that someone else couldn't? I certainly wasn't a model citizen. As I found out though, I'm the best guy for the job. Gabriella needs someone like me in her life to mold her into an adult. I feel blessed and fortunate that I can raise her, and she makes me a better man as well.

Of Friday, I picked up Gabs from Norristown around 6-6:30pm. I like picking her up from there because I have plenty of options to get home, wether I take the R6 or the 100. After I got back to my dad's apartment, we dined on some Wendy's cheeseburgers & fries, watched some tv, and hit the bricks. Pretty uneventful, if you ask me.

Now Saturday is a different story. I had to meet up with Ryan in Yardley because he had to help me build a steamer trunk bar (yes people, Katie and I bought a bar). Since I had to take Gabbie down there anyway, I thought it would be best if we left early, since there's plenty to do here, and the weather was kick ass. The whole train ride down, Gabbie listened to Blondie on my iPhone, because that's her favorite band (I must be doing something right!!!). She skipped the ENTIRE walk to my front door, and she had a blast here! She played rock band, had fun on the playground, and even made a few friends with some of the other little girls in the complex. She finished her entire dinner (including peas...yuck), and was on her best behavior while Ryan and our friend Jay assembled the bar (which looks awesome, might I add) . Later on the night, we made it back to my dads, and after watching the end of Snow White, she fell right asleep. How rad is that?

On Sunday, we went to the park for an hour or so before she had to go home. Once again, she was on her best behavior on the train, and listened to Blondie again. She gave me a huge hug and kiss before she got in the car, and told me she loved me. It's funny, I miss her already.

So here it is Monday. Katie will be back from work at 5pm, and there's plenty to watch on tv tonight, with WWE & TNA going live against each other. I'll give my full rundown on the shows tomorrow. Other then that I also plan on drinking tonight by breaking in the new bar. Wish me luck, folks...this could get ugly.


Unknown said...

Good post Joe!

Joey V. said...

Thank you, Mike! I'll be posting a new one today.

StockyIrish said...

Dude, I feel the same way! I know with every subatomic particle in my being that there's no one better suited to raise my daughter than me. No one.