Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday Week

My god, has it been a long day, and its only 3pm. As I write this blog I have one hand typing and the other hand clenching a cold Yuengling. It all started last night when Katie and I went to Wal-Mart...

After finishing my blog, Gabs called to tell me about the taco she was eating this conversation went on for about 20 minutes with her mother commenting in the background. As soon as I got off the phone, I had to jump in the shower because Katie was getting home soon. She gets in, we leave.

Upon getting to Wal-Mart, my first instinct is to buy razors. If anyone has seen me lately, you know I look like the unibomber because I haven't shaved in around a month. Now, the pharmacy is only ten feet away, so I tell Katie "Going to pick up razors."...she leaves! When I get back I'm at a loos to try to find her in this big-assed store. So big, I had to call her on my cell phone to track her down. After that fiasco, we shop well, and spend around $350.00 on nesscesities. We picked up Taco Bell for dinner (because Gabbie put the idea in my head), and I decided to try their $5 NBA box (because it rocks!), which oddly did not come in a box, but rather a bag. HUGE LETDOWN!

I really enjoyed getting in and watching some tv with my girl last night. Lost was, well, Lost. I'm not getting this whole idea about Jacob, but they have 10 more episodes to wow me. After everything I've seen on that show, they have some explaining to do. Afterwards I caught NXT. I really impressed at how nicely this show is coming along, and I like a lot of the young talent like Wade Barret and Daniel Bryan. Gabriel looks like a tool in that outfit, but maybe WWE creative can give him a new direction. Skip Sheffield is 50/50 with me at this point, and Heath Slater is going down the toilet. What is up with that moronic hair flip? Then Carlito spits on you, and all you do is whine about it? I'll tell you what to do Heath...punch his ass back to Superstars! After enjoying a few rum & cokes with Katie, we go to bed. That's where today comes in...

After waking up, I see that there is all kinds of boxes on the floor waiting for me to dive right into. I begin my day with a nice bowl of cocoa pebbles and get to work. Before starting with the boxes, I decide to get the pipe/cigar/tobacco stench from my beloved computer. this takes about 2 hours to do, with the window open, and wiping it down with vinegar. By the time I finished, my hands looked like prunes, smelled like a salad, and I was a cold as a cucumber. Finally, I get to lats nights booty. We bought 4 large floor lamps last night, and after putting them together, I had to re-arrange the bedroom and the office just to make them fit. Then, I took out all the garbage. This includes the boxes from the lamps, and the general trash. I hooked up our new phones, and took all the dishes out of the dishwasher, just to load it up with another box of dishes that we had laying around. I'm also going to call maintenence in a little bit because they didn't respond to the email that Katie sent about our linen closet door that hasen't worked since we moved in. Hey, we've only complained 6 times...why should anyone listen to us, right?

Now, I'm all about relaxin' I have done A LOT of stuff in here today and I need a break. I hope all y'all are enjoying my rants. because I need to do this. I haven't seen many people in the last few months, and this place is turning into The Shining. Remember folks, all work and no play makes Joe a dull boy...

1 comment:

StockyIrish said...

No TV No Beer make Homer...Go Crazy? Don't mind if i doooo!

That taco box coming in a bag? FUCKING BULLSHIT!!